Since everything is online, it seems like you should be able to go to esthetician school online. Right? Well, yes and no. Since hands-on esthetician training is so important, some states have completely banned online esthetician school. However, some states do allow partial or all beauty classes to be taken online. In this post, you’ll find a list of states that allow you to get your esthetician license online.

Accredited Online Esthetician Schools

Go to Esthetician School Online: Table of Contents

  • How to Become an Esthetician Online
  • Pros & Cons of Going to Esthetician School Online
  • List of States that Do NOT Allow Esthetician School Online
  • List of States that DO Allow Online Esthetician School
  • Accredited Online Esthetician Schools in the United States
  • Cost of Getting Your Esthetician License Online

How to Become an Esthetician Online

Before setting your hopes on becoming an esthetician online, it’s best to make sure your state allows it. (In the next section, you’ll find a list of esthetician requirements by state.)

Otherwise, becoming an esthetician online vs in a physical setting is similar. You’ll still want to research esthetician careers to see if it’s something you’re really passionate about. You’ll also need to check your state-specific requirements to find out how many hours you need, whether or not you need to work as an apprentice and to get an estimate about costs.

At some online esthetician schools, students upload portfolios. These are similar to the work you would show your instructor in class.

Once you’ve decided, it’s the same process: reach out to admissions and get started!

Pros & Cons of Going to Esthetician School Online

Getting your esthetician license online has both advantages and disadvantages. In order to help you make the best decision, consider these brief lists of pros and cons.


  • Often cheaper
  • Flexible schedules; you can do it anywhere
  • Work at your own pace


  • Since some states don’t allow online esthetics licensing, it may be more difficult to transfer.
  • Also, there’s a lot to be said for in-person training. For example, learning how to interact with clients is something you learn best in an accredited esthetician school’s beauty salon.
  • May make it harder to find the best jobs.

List of States that say YES
to getting your esthetician license online

The following states boards of cosmetology approve of getting your esthetician license online. However, many of them only allow partial online schooling. In other words, you can take esthetician classes online combined with in-class instruction.


If you live in the sunny state of California, get ready to learn from your laptop on the beach. Because California approves of online esthetician school! However, the National Interstate Council of State Boards of Cosmetology (NIC) must approve the curriculum.

The Best Esthetician Schools in California for Your Beauty License


Another state that approves of online aesthetician school is Iowa. And the requirements are the same; 600 hours before taking the Iowan state esthetician board exam. In order to learn more about aesthetics licensing in Iowa, check out “How to Find the Best Esthetician School in Iowa.”


For the most part, Indiana doesn’t allow online esthetician school. However, the state board does say that up to 10% of classes may be “delivered within a distance learning environment.”


Currently, Maryland approves of getting your esthetician license online. Just like off-line requirements, you have to have 600 hours at an accredited esthetician school before taking the exam.


At this time, Minnesota allows estheticians to take part of their courses online. However, these may only be theory-based esthetician classes. In Minnesota, you must still attend traditional esthetician practical courses at least part of the time.

New Mexico

The State Board of Cosmetology approves online esthetician school in New Mexico. However, online classes can’t take up more than 25% of the curriculum.

New Hampshire

Like New Mexico, up to 25% of the coursework may be online in New Hampshire. And the board is very clear: testing may never be done online.


In Ohio, up to 25% of a program’s curriculum may be available online.

South Carolina

For the most part, online esthetician school is off limits in South Carolina. However, you may take esthetician classes online for continuing education. Only half of continuing ed credits can be online.


Currently, Texas approves of getting your esthetician license online from accredited institutions.


Another state that approves getting your esthetician license online is Virginia. However, the state board only approves esthetician classes online for a limited number of theory courses. Therefore, it’s very important to make sure you’re attending an accredited institution.

Washington State

In Washington State, online esthetician classes are allowed for up to 25% of the theory curriculum.


Upon approval from the Wisconsin Office of Examination & Education, you can take theory-based esthetician classes online in Wisconsin.


Although online esthetician school is an option in Wyoming, it’s only possible for instructors. And the limit is no more than 200 hours online. (Or “distance learning,” as many state boards call online learning.)

List of States that say NO
to going to esthetician school online

In order to find out more about specific esthetician requirements by state, click on your state’s link.

  • Alabama
  • Alaska
  • Arizona
  • Colorado
  • Connecticut
  • Delaware
  • Florida
  • Georgia
  • Hawaii
  • Idaho
  • Illinois
  • Kansas
  • Kentucky
  • Louisiana
  • Massachusetts
  • Michigan
  • Mississippi
  • Missouri
  • Montana
  • New Jersey
  • Nevada
  • Nebraska
  • New York
  • North Dakota
  • Oregon
  • Oklahoma
  • Pennsylvania
  • Rhode Island
  • South Dakota
  • Tennessee
  • Utah
  • Vermont
  • West Virginia

Accredited Online Esthetician Schools in the USA:
Featured Schools

In order to find the best accredited online esthetician schools near you, enter your info into the search bar below. After hitting enter, you’ll find a custom list of the best online aesthetician schools nearest you.

Getting Your Esthetician License Online
Final Thoughts

Generally, Trades for Careers favors offline classes. Because they make you much more competitive when looking for jobs. Also, they provide a flavor of learning that’s tough to find online. However, taking online aesthetician classes as part of a larger curriculum is a balanced way to add flexibility to your schedule.

So by all means, do what works best for your home state and your schedule!

Is Online Education Offered? Cosmetology
*South Carolina Board of Cosmetology