The Beginner’s Ultimate Guide to Becoming an Esthetician in South Dakota

Deciding to attend one of the top esthetician schools in South Dakota is a career move that could change the rest of your life. In a very positive way! Being an esthetician means your employment outlook is great, and it also gives you the opportunity to change people’s lives. In this post, we’ll look at esthetician requirements by state, esthetician license cost, and what to expect in welding classes. We’ll also help you find the best esthetician school in South Dakota for you.

Top Esthetician Schools in South Dakota

Top Esthetician Schools in South Dakota: Table of Contents
  • South Dakota’s Esthetician Requirements by State
    How long does it take to be an esthetician in South Dakota?
  • Online Aesthetician School
    Can you get an esthetician license online?
  • Esthetician License Cost in South Dakota
    How much does it cost to become an esthetician?
  • Esthetician Career & Employment Outlook
    How much do estheticians make in South Dakota?
  • Become an Esthetician in South Dakota: Step-by-Step Guide
  • How to Find the Best Esthetician Courses/Schools Near Me
  • The Top 3 Esthetician Schools in South Dakota

Esthetician Requirements by State
South Dakota’s Profile

Since every state has different – yet strict – esthetician license requirements, let’s look at South Dakota’s profile. In this section, we’ll look at requirements for becoming an esthetician in South Dakota, and whether or not continuing education esthetician classes are required for license renewal.

How long does it take to be an esthetician in South Dakota?

In South Dakota, you need to complete at least 600 hours at an accredited esthetician school.

How often do I need to renew my license in South Dakota?

In South Dakota, you must renew your license every year, and the deadline is your birthday. The majority of esthetician certifications don’t require continuing ed, although instructors must complete 12 hours of continuing education yearly. It costs $25 for instructors to renew their licenses, and it costs $20 for basic estheticians.

Can I transfer my esthetician license to South Dakota? (License Reciprocity)

In order for you to have license reciprocity with South Dakota, your combined work experience and education must be equal or greater than South Dakota’s requirements. You will also need to:

  • Provide verification of your GED or high school graduation
  • Show a driver’s license or passport
  • Provide a written statement from your home state’s licensing authority

How can I contact the South Dakota Board of Cosmetology?

In order to contact the South Dakota Board of Cosmetology about your esthetician training or license, you can use email, call, or fill out on online application form via their website. And of course, good old regular mail is another viable option.

South Dakota State Board of Cosmetology Contact Info:

South Dakota Cosmetology Commission
500 East Capitol
Pierre, SD 57501
Email:  [email protected]
Phone: 605-773-6193

Can you get an esthetician license online?

According to the South Dakota State board of cosmetology, going to online aesthetician school is not an option. For more information, check out The Ultimate Guide to Getting Your Aesthetics License Online.

Top Esthetician Schools in South Carolina

Esthetician License Cost & Renewal in South Dakota
How much does it cost to become an esthetician?

Since the best esthetician schools in South Dakota’s tuition costs vary, it’s helpful to know the costs that remain the same. In other words, no matter where you go to school, licensing and exam fees are all the same.

In the list below, you’ll find esthetician license costs that are the same for everyone:

  • First, you’ll pay $80 for the licensing fee and exam.
  • Then, you’ll pay $6 for a temporary license.
  • After becoming an esthetician in South Dakota, remember the $20 renewal fee each year.

Esthetician Career & Employment Outlook
How much do estheticians make in South Dakota?

According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, Skin Estheticians in the United States make an average hourly wage of $16.89. In other words, that’s an average esthetician salary of $35,130.

The top paying states for estheticians are Colorado, Minnesota, Hawaii, Wyoming, and also Oregon.

And the esthetician employment outlook is fantastic! As of 2017, the Bureau estimates a growth rate of 14% in the industry, which is faster than average. In other words, there will be an estimated 8,500 more jobs between 2016 and 2026.

How much do estheticians make in South Dakota?

In South Dakota, estheticians make an average of $17.40 per hour. Put differently, that’s a yearly salary of $36,190.

However, those are just averages. Let’s aim a little higher!

  • Estheticians in the 75th percentile make about $45,970 yearly, and those in the 90th are raking in about $48,960 annually.

(Source: US Bureau of Labor Statistics for Skin Care Specialists, as of May 2017)

How to Become an Esthetician in South Dakota

Before becoming an esthetician in South Dakota, we recommend learning as much as you can about the industry. This means learning about the different types of esthetician certifications, what to expect in esthetician classes, average pay, and similar careers. (For example, cosmetology.) This is because the more you know, the more you’ll be set up to succeed at one of the top esthetician schools in South Dakota!

Then, once you’ve decided to become an esthetician in South Dakota, the steps are quite simple:

  1. First, use our custom search bar to find esthetician training near you.
  2. Then, apply at the best esthetician schools in your area.
  3. After getting accepted, attend the accredited esthetician courses and complete the state esthetician license requirements in school.
  4. Then, it’s time to pass the state board exam like the badass you are!
  5. After that, apply for esthetician jobs. (Make sure to take advantage of your esthetician school’s job placement assistance!)
  6. Once you’ve become a licensed esthetician, remember to complete your 8 hours of continuing education requirements and renew your license every two years.

How to Find the Top Esthetician Schools Near Me
Esthetician College & Certification in South Dakota

Instead of listing each individual esthetics school individually, we’d like to help you find the best esthetician training programs nearest you. In order to do so, enter your individual information in the search bar below. Then, a custom list tailored to match your zip code will come up.

The 3 Top Esthetician Schools in South Dakota

Although there are many top esthetician schools in South Dakota, we’ve singled out the best ones for you. This is at least a good starting point list, if you have no idea where to begin. Therefore, remember to bookmark this page and check back, since we’ll be updating our list of the top esthetician schools as more come into the spotlight!

Headlines Academy in Rapid City, South Dakota

At this best esthetician school in South Dakota, you’ll be studying in a full-service beauty school that also offers a variety of beauty programs. In addition to the Esthetician program, there are Cosmetology, Massage Therapy, and Nail Technology programs. To apply for this course, click here.

How much does esthetician school cost?

First, you’ll pay $1,500 for the kit. Then, tuition costs $7,100. In order to apply for a scholarship, fill out the online Scholarship Application Form.

How long is esthetician school?

This program takes 7 months to complete.

Stewart School of Hair, Skin, & Nails in Sioux Falls, South Dakota

Another one of the top esthetician schools in South Dakota is the Stewart School of Hair, Skin, & Nails. This well-established, business-savvy beauty school will provide you with the curriculum you need to be a successful, employable esthetician. In addition to teaching students to provide top-notch esthetics services, the school participates in charities such as the Children’s Miracle Network and Big Brothers & Big Sisters.

How much does esthetician school cost?

This particular esthetician school costs $5,975, and there’s also a kit cost of $963.

How long is esthetician school in South Dakota?

This esthetician training program takes 4 months.

Model College of Hair Design in St. Cloud, Minnesota

Although this best beauty school is in Minnesota, it’s close enough to the border that many students choose to commute. After all, what’s a little bit of border-crossing for one of the top esthetician schools in the country?

First, the Esthiology Program will prepare you for a variety of esthetician jobs, including:

  • Theatrical/Photographic Makeup Artist
  • Esthesics Instructor
  • Makeup Consultant
  • Product Representative for Cosmetic Manufactures
  • Research for Cosmetic Laboratory
  • Cosmetic Buyer

In addition to the Esthiology program, there are also Cosmetology, Nail Technician, and Continuing Education courses available.

How much does esthetician school cost?

First, the application fee is $50. Then you’ll pay $750 for the kit and books and $7,900 for tuition.

How long is esthetician school in South Dakota?

The esthetics program takes 15 weeks to cover the 600 required hours.

In addition to the great beauty schools in South Dakota, we also recommend checking out the top esthetician schools in nearby states:

  • Esthetician Schools & Licensing Requirements in Minnesota
  • How to Become an Esthetician in Iowa
  • Top Esthetician Schools in Nebraska
  • Best Esthetician Schools in Wyoming
  • Esthetics Schools & Licensing Requirements in Montana

The Top Esthetician Schools in South Dakota
Final Thoughts

Since you’ve taken the time to learn more about becoming an an esthetician, we hope this next step is easier. Because now it’s time to enroll! Use our handy search tool to find the best esthetician courses near you. Then, reach out to the programs that are best for your location and budget. Because this could be one of the best decisions of your life!

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Esthetician License and Training Schools in South Dakota
Esthetics Licensing in South Dakota