Welcome to the Ultimate Guide to Choosing the Best Esthetician School in Georgia! In this post, we’ll cover a list of the top esthetician schools in Georgia. We’ll also cover what you need to do to become an esthetician, the cost of certification and license, and the Georgia esthetician requirements by state.

Best Esthetician School in Georgia

Choosing the Best Esthetician School in Georgia: Table of Contents

  • How to Become an Esthetician in Georgia
  • Esthetician Career, Job, & Salary Info
  • Everything You Need to Know About Georgia State’s Esthetician License Requirements & Costs
  • Esthetician State Board Exam Questions & Study Guides
  • Medical Esthetician Certification in Georgia & The Best Medical Esthetician Schools in Georgia [Video]
  • The 3 Top Esthetician Schools in Georgia
  • Aveda Esthetician School Locations in Georgia
  • Esthetician Classes: What To Expect
  • Similar Careers in Georgia
  • FAQs About Being an Esthetician
    How long does it take to be an esthetician?
    How much does it cost to become an esthetician?
    Can I get my esthetician license online?
    Can I transfer my esthetician license to another state?

How to Become an Esthetician in Georgia

First, here are the basics steps to becoming an esthetician in Georgia:

  1. Before applying to your first choice of the best esthetician school in Georgia, make sure to learn everything. In other words, educate yourself. For example, take advantage of the basic esthetician career info in this post!
  2. Next, apply at an esthetician college near you.
  3. After that, complete the esthetician courses at school and get your esthetician certification.
  4. Then it’s time to work as an apprentice.
  5. Once you’ve finished your apprenticeship, take the Georgia Esthetician State Board Exam.
  6. After that, your esthetician career begins! Remember to keep your license renewed.
  7. It doesn’t have to end there, though. For example, many estheticians go back to school to get their Master Esthetician or Esthetician Instructor licenses.

*In Georgia, you’re required to continue education. In other words, you have to do 5 hours of continuing ed per every two years.

Esthetician Careers in Georgia:
Average Salary & Hourly Wages

Most importantly, how much do estheticians make in Georgia? Before answering that question, it’s good to look at the average esthetician salary for the United States:

  • On average, Skin Care Estheticians make $16.89 per hour. Put differently, that’s a national mean salary of $35,130.
  • Interestingly, the sub-type who makes the most is paramedical/medical estheticians, who earn an average hourly wage of $18.14.

Comparatively, estheticians in Georgia make about $13.67 per hour. Put differently, that’s a salary of $28,440.

However, estheticians in the top 90th percentile make about $39,970. Also, the skin care esthetician employment outlook is excellent! In fact, the number of available jobs are predicted to grow by 12% between 2014 and 2024.

Popular Industries for Estheticians in Georgia

Although it’s a single esthetician license, you have lots of options. For example, the most popular industries for skin care estheticians are:

  • Personal Care Services
  • Medical Offices
  • Hotels & Resorts
  • Skin Care Product & Health Stores

(Source: The US Bureau of Labor Statistics for Skincare Specialists, as of May 2017)

Esthetician License Requirements by State:
Georgia’s Profile

In order to get your esthetician license in Georgia, you need 1,000 hours at an accredited beauty school. After that, you must complete 2,000 hours of apprenticeship. And remember, once you have your esthetician license, you need to do 5 hours of esthetician classes every two years, between the renewal periods.

In comparison, here are the requirements for similar careers:

Cosmetologist License Requirement: 1,500 hours + 3,000 hours of apprenticeship
Barber License: 1,500 hours + 3,000 hours of apprenticeship
Nail Technician License: 525 hours + 2,050 hours of apprenticeship
Hair Designer License: 1,325 hours + 2,650 hours of apprenticeship

Esthetician License Cost in Georgia

In order to apply for the licensing exam, you’ll need to pay a $30 application fee.

Esthetician License Renewal in Georgia

Once you have your cosmetology esthetician license, you must renew it every two years by August 31st in odd-numbered years. Throughout each

Cosmetology Esthetician Transferal to Georgia

Basically, the Georgia Board of Cosmetology and Barbers handles esthetician license reciprocity on a case-by-case basis. If your home state has equal (or better) licensure requirements, it’s possible for you to receive approval.

If you don’t have the minimum requirements, you’ll need to attend one of Georgia’s accredited esthetician schools.

Notably, license from the following states are not allowed for transfer to Georgia:


Georgia Esthetician State Board Exam Questions
& Practice Guides

First, we recommend the Milady Standard as a study guide.

Understandably, many students want to find esthetician state board exam practice questions to get ready for the test. Because of that, here are some things that will help you pass the exam like the badass you are.

And so, here are the top 3 online practices quizzes to use:

Another helpful method is to study through YouTube videos. Sometimes, having a real-life person talking gets you out of your head and helps you absorb the material better.

So, think you would benefit from getting out of your head for a bit? Check these videos out:

Sometimes, it’s good to step away from a computer and do it the old fashioned way: with a book. Notably, Amazon has a good selection:

How to Get Your Medical Esthetician Certification
Best Medical Esthetician Schools in Georgia

Overall, the steps to becoming a medical esthetician in Georgia are the same as a skin care esthetician. Similarly, you must complete at least 1,000 hours of formal training. After classroom training, you’ll need 2,000 apprenticeship hours.

In the video below, you’ll learn more about becoming a certified Paramedical Esthetician.

Video: How do I Become a Medical Esthetician?

The 3 Top Esthetician Schools in Georgia

Before our “Top 3” list, it’s important to note that there are far more options. In fact, the best esthetician school in Georgia for you may not even be included. Therefore, you’ll benefit from taking advantage of the search bar in the next section. Simply type in your location, and you’ll find a full directory of the best beauty schools in Georgia.

And now, for our 3 featured top esthetician schools in Georgia:

  1. Elaine Sterling Institute is one of the best esthetician schools in Atlanta, Georgia.
  2. Another great esthetician program in Atlanta is at the Atlanta Institute of Aesthetics.
  3. Finally, the Lanier Technical College is another great option. Notably, this best esthetician school in Georgia offers medical aesthetician certification.

Where to Find the Best Esthetician School in Georgia

Tired of looking for “esthetician courses near me” only to find yourself empty handed? Well, say good-bye to searching all over the internet. Simply enter your info and a list of the best esthetician schools near you will be available!

Aveda Esthetician School Locations in Georgia

As always, one of the best esthetician schools near you might be an Aveda Institute. All in all, there is just one Aveda esthetician school. And it’s located in Atlanta, GA.

Notably, this Aveda Institute location just teaches a cosmetology program, which is similar to an esthetician school. (In order to learn more, click here for more info about the top cosmetology schools in Georgia.)

To learn more, including everything about Aveda esthetician school cost, check out Aveda Institutes South.

Esthetician Classes in Georgia
What to Expect

Depending on the type of school you go to, your education will be different. For example, an esthetician college will have a different feel than a cosmetology school with an aesthetics program. However, the end goal is always the same: preparing you for rewarding esthetician jobs.

At your chosen best esthetician school, you’ll take classes in 3 different categories:

  1. Theoretical topics (For example, physiology and anatomy.)
  2. Professional skills topics (Such as how to build an esthetician business and resume writing)
  3. Practical training (Basically, the hands-on application of esthetics)

Another thing to keep in mind is that there are countless hybrid esthetician schools in the US. So, if you want to become a certified makeup artist, you could attend a cosmetology esthetician school with courses in makeup artistry.

Similar Careers in Georgia

Again, many of these similar careers are available at the same beauty schools offering esthetician certification. In the list below, you’ll find ideas of careers similar to being a skin care esthetician:

  • Manicurist
  • Professional Make Up Artist
  • Electrologist
  • Cosmetologist
  • Esthetician Instructor
  • Hairbraider
  • Paramedical Esthetician
  • Master Esthetician
  • Nail Technician
  • Hairdresser
  • Wax Specialist
  • Massage Therapist

FAQS About Finding the Best Esthetician School in Georgia

How long does it take to be an esthetician?

Depending on the type of esthetician school you attend, it could take anywhere from a few weeks to several months. In Georgia, you’re required to have 1,000 classroom hours before taking the state board exam. Additionally, you must have 2,000 hours of apprenticeship.

How much does it cost to become an esthetician?

As always, cost varies wildly from school to school. For example, the Lanier Technical Institute’s tuition is $89 per credit hour. But that’s just one example. In reality, it’s going to take searching for the individual schools and their tuition.

Can I get my esthetician license online?

No. Because it’s essential to have real-world experience and practice, you can’t get your esthetician license online. However, you can apply and register for the state board exam online.

Can I transfer my esthetician license to another state?

In most states, you can transfer your esthetician license if you have equal or greater training in your previous state. Sometimes, there’s a requirement for how many hours of experience as a practicing esthetician you must have. Regardless, you’ll still need to take the individual Georgia state board exam.

(In other words, transferring the hours may get you out of going to another esthetician school. But it doesn’t get you out of taking the state specific licensing exam.)

Top Esthetician Schools in Georgia & Beyond:
Bordering States

If you want to expand your options, consider getting your esthetician certification from one of the best cosmetology schools in a nearby state. Below, you’ll find links to the top esthetician schools nearby.

Choosing the Best Esthetician School in Georgia for Certification:
Final Thoughts

Hopefully, you’ve found the best esthetician school in Georgia for you. If you’re willing to travel, don’t be afraid to check out the esthetician salaries and requirements for neighboring states! They might pay higher or be a better fit for you.

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Georgia Board of Cosmetology
Georgia Esthetics Schools/Skin Care in Cosmetology