Looking for the Best Esthetician Schools in Alabama? If so, this guide to beauty schools in Alabama is for You.

In the following post, we’ll discuss everything you need to know about Esthetician School. For example, how to get your certification and where to take courses near you. Additionally, we’ll look at esthetician career and licensing information.

Esthetician Training Near Me
Find out how to become a certified esthetician in Alabama today!

Finding the Best Esthetician School in Alabama: Table of Contents

What Does an Esthetician Do?

First, we’ll cover a quick job description. Once you have your Esthetician certification, you have many different options.

Often, the term “esthetician” refers to someone who provides skincare services for their clients. This includes facial treatments, waxing, and make-up application. Typically, estheticians work in spas, resorts, luxury hotels, beauty salons, and waxing salons.

Another type of esthetician is a medical esthetician (or paramedical esthetician). In this specialty, estheticians still work with skincare but in different settings. Usually, they find jobs in dermatological medical settings or with plastic surgeons.

Job responsibilities include pre- and post-operative care. For example, educating patients on how to take care of their skin.

Next, we’ll take a more detailed look at the different esthetician certification types.

Best Beauty Schools in Alabama: Types of Esthetician Certifications

In sum, there are 6 main types of esthetician licenses:

  • Wax/Hair Remover Specialist
  • Master Esthetician
  • Medical/Paramedical Esthetician
  • Esthetician Skin Care Specialist
  • Clinical Esthetician
  • Medical Spa Manager

How to Become an Esthetician in Alabama

Although it takes hard work, you have the power to be a successful esthetician in Alabama!

Here are the 9 major steps to take, including getting your esthetician certification from one of the beauty schools in Alabama. It’s important to note that there are different esthetician requirements by state, and these esthetician requirements are specific to Alabama.

  1. First, learn everything you can about being an esthetician. This way, you’ll be sure this is a career path you’re passionate about. (For this reason, we’ve included plenty of videos/relevant info to help you out! Also, take advantage of our “Resources” section at the bottom.)
  2. Next, apply an esthetician school near you. Usually, accredited esthetician schools admission requirements require a high school diploma or GED.
  3. Once you’ve been accepted by one of the top esthetician schools, you’ll spend time in esthetician training classes. During your time in school, you’ll learn through a combination of hands-on training and classroom instruction.
  4. Once you have your esthetician certification, you’ll be ready to start working as an apprentice esthetician.
  5. After completing the esthetician classes and receiving your degree, it’s time to take the esthetician state board exam.  (Currently, Alabama charges a $40 fee.)
  6. Then it’s time for the most exciting part: finding a job! Typically, the top esthetician schools will help with job placement.
  7. Even after you find a job, remember to renew your esthetician certification every two years.
  8. As always, you can go back to school for a more advanced type of esthetician certification.

Esthetician Requirements by State: Alabama’s Profile

To review, here’s a profile of Alabama’s esthetician requirements by state:

  • Minimum 1,000 hours at beauty school
  • Esthetician license cost is $40
  • At least 2,000 hours of apprenticeship within 3 years of graduation
  • $75 for apprenticeship application
  • Must renew license during your birth month in odd-numbered years
  • Costs $80 to renew license; $130 for late renewals

In Alabama, you have to re-take the practical exam if your license expires for 3 years.

Finally, Alabama doesn’t allow out-of-state transfers. In other words, everyone has to pass the Alabama-specific state board exam to legally work.

Esthetician Career & Salary:
How Much Do Estheticians Make in Alabama?

In general, it’s helpful to compare their salaries/hourly wages to the national averages.

  • On average, Skin Care Estheticians make $16.89 per hour. Put differently, that’s a national mean salary of $35,130.
  • Interestingly, sub-type who makes the most is paramedical/medical estheticians, who earn an average hourly wage of $18.14.
  • In comparison, estheticians in Alabama earn an average of $14.86 per hour, or $30,910 per year. Comparatively, that’s roughly $4k less per year on average.

(Source: U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics for Skincare Specialists as of May 2017)

How to Find Esthetician Training Programs Near You:
List of Top Esthetician Schools in Alabama

In order to find esthetician classes near you, put your zip code into the search bar below. Then, you’ll find a complete list of beauty schools in Alabama.

Aveda Esthetician School in Birmingham, Alabama

One of the top cosmetology schools in Alabama is the Aveda Esthetician School. At this beauty school, you’ll receive the best possible education from the most highly trained professionals in the country. In fact, this globally-recognized institute has been around since 1978.

At the Birmingham location, Aveda Esthetician School offers 2 programs:

Here’s the contact info to contact the school directly:

Aveda Institute Birmingham
3200 Galleria Blvd
Hoover, AL 35244

Phone: 1-205-769-3500

Aveda Esthetician School Cost

Undoubtedly, one of the biggest concerns with potential cosmetology students is how much does esthetician school cost at Aveda?

Depending on the type of program, the tuition costs vary. However, financial aid is often available. So are Federal Pell Grant Loans.

Additionally, Aveda’s own financial aid department works on a case-by-case basis with students.

Video: Aveda Cosmetology Schools in Birmingham, Alabama

How to Get Your Esthetician License Online

Of course, many students wonder if they can get their esthetician license online. While it’s impossible to become fully certified online, some states do allow partial online courses. Currently, the Fortis Institute is the only accredited esthetician school in most states.

It’s extremely important for skin care specialists to learn through real-life experiences. For this reason, getting your esthetician license online is not an option in Alabama

FAQs for Esthetician Schools in Alabama

Next, we’ll cover the most common questions about beauty schools in Alabama.

How long is esthetician school?

The first big milestone to becoming an esthetician is completing esthetician school.

  • In general, it takes about 4-6 months for full-time students.
  • For part-time students, it’s anywhere from 9 to 12 months.

How long does it take to become an esthetician in Alabama?

From start to finish, it can take a few years. First, you have to log the minimum number of hours at esthetician school.

Then, you have a maximum of 3 years to complete your apprenticeship. (Or 3,000 hours.)

How much does it cost to become an esthetician in Alabama?

Depending on the individual beauty school tuition, costs can vary. However, the $40 certification fee and $75 apprenticeship application fee are the same for everyone.

For qualified individuals, federal financial aid programs are available.

Top Esthetician Schools in Alabama & Beyond:
Bordering States

If you want to expand your options, consider getting your esthetician certification from one of the best cosmetology schools in a nearby state. Below, you’ll find links to the top esthetician schools nearby.

Next Steps

First, thank you for reading How to Find the Best Esthetician School in Alabama for YOU. As always, feel free to leave questions in the comments section below.

To enroll today, simply enter your zip code into the search bar below. After that, a list of the best beauty schools in Alabama near you will be custom-made for your location.

Now’s the time to take the leap!
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If you aren’t sure about beauty school, consider these articles:
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How to Become an Esthetician
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