There are 7 top welding schools for certification in North Dakota, ranging from state colleges to tech centers. But which one is right for you? Keep reading for a comprehensive table of contact information for each school, as well as basic welding job information.

Table of Contents

  • What Is Welding? Welding Basics
  • Why You Should Be a Welder in North Dakota
  • Average Welding Salary & Hourly Rate: How Much Do Welders Make in North Dakota?
  • The Top 7 Welding Schools for Certification in North Dakota
  • Careers Like Welding in North Dakota
  • Essential Welding Supplies & Equipment Online

What Is Welding?

Overall, welding is the use of a heat source to fuse two pieces of raw material together. But there are many different methods of welding and different types of welding projects.

There are 6 main welding methods, and they are:

  • Shielded Metal Arc Welding (Stick)
  • Plasma Arc Welding
  • Flux-Cored Welding
  • Gas Metal Arc Welding (MIG)
  • Tungsten Inert Gas Welding (TIG)
  • Gas or Oxy Acetylene Welding

For an explanation of each welding method, check out the video “The 6 Main Types of Welding.” The three most common welding methods are Stick, MIG, and TIG.

Why You Should Be a Welder in North Dakota

There are two main reasons why welding is a wise career choice.

First of all, the future is good for welders in North Dakota – or anywhere in the United States, for that matter. In fact, the US Bureau of Labor Statistics predicts a 6% growth in the number of welding jobs from 2016 to 2026. In other words, there will be plenty of good welding jobs in North Dakota open after you obtain your certification. 

Another reason to go into welding is the financial stability. Upon graduation, you can expect to find a job and make a consistent annual salary. Since welders are in high demand, you can expect good compensation for your hard work.

Welding Jobs & Salaries:
How Much Do Welders Make in North Dakota?

Of course, pay varies from job to job, but looking at North Dakota’s median salary is a good place to start. By comparing salaries in North Dakota with the median average salaries of welders in the United States, you can see that welders in North Dakota have a significant advantage.

  • Welders in North Dakota earn a median salary of $52,210. (Or $25.10 per hour.) Notably, this is much higher than the United States median average salary of $39,390.

Another helpful comparison is between welders in the top 10% in North Dakota and the average top 10% earnings in the United States: In North Dakota, welders in the top 10% of median pay make $87,500.

  • This is $25,400 more than the national welders in the top 10% of median pay.

The Top 7 Welding Schools for Certification in North Dakota

In North Dakota, there are currently* 7 welding schools for certification. The American Welding SENSE Accreditation Program has approved all of them. Below, you’ll find background information and contact information for each school.

    • The first school, Bismark State College, is located in Bismark. To earn an Associate of Applied Science degree from Bismark, students must complete 49 “Prescribed Technical Program” credits and 15 general education credits, such as humanities and business electives. Bismark State College offers other technical associates degrees, like Electrical Lineworker or Mechanical Maintenance Technology.
    • Another one of the top welding schools for certification in North Dakota is the Lake Area Career and Technology Center. The Lake Area Career and Technology Center is in Devils Lake and is associated with the Devils Lake High School.
    • The third and fourth schools are Lynnes Welding Training, Inc. Lynnes Welding Training offers welding classes in both Bismarck and Fargo. There are both 16-week and 12-week welding programs.
    • In Grafton, the North Valley Vo-Tech Center presides as another one of the top welding schools for certification in North Dakota. The North Valley Vo-Tech Center offers degrees in similar vocations as welding, such as Auto Technology and Construction Technology & Drafting.
    • Another place to obtain your certification in welding is the North Dakota State College of Science, which you can learn more about in the video below.

*As schools program information changes over time, we encourage you to check the schools’ websites and use the contact information above for the most up-to-date information.

Contact Info for Each of the 7 Top Welding Schools for Certification in North Dakota

If you’re interested in attending any of these trade schools for welding, use the table below to find contact information for each school.

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The Top Welding Schools for Certification in the Bordering States

The states bordering North Dakota also offer fantastic welding certification programs. Follow the links below for contact information regarding the top welding schools in Montana, South Dakota, and Minnesota.

Careers Like Welding in North Dakota

Since you’re reading about the top welding schools for certification in North Dakota, it’s safe to assume you’re interested in technical vocations. Remember that even if you decide to stray from welding, some of the schools listed above offer different programs.

For example, the 4 careers below are excellent alternatives to welding:

  • Electrical Lineworker
  • Boilermakers
  • Sheet Metal Workers
  • Mechanical Maintenance Technology
  • Soldering & Brazing

The Best Welding Supplies & Equipment Online

Once you decide to become a welder, it’s important to make sure you have the right equipment. First and foremost, you need to have protective gloves, glasses, and a strong helmet.

Depending on the project, you’ll need different welding equipment in different situations. Therefore, the list below contains important welding equipment for a variety of methods.

Essential Welding Supplies

  • Welding Magnets
  • Frame Jig
  • Sheet Metal Gauge
  • C Clamps
  • Welding Clamps
  • Speed Square
  • Metal File
  • Angle Grinder
  • Soapstone
  • MIG Pliers
  • Metal Brush


As you can see, the top welding schools for certification in North Dakota offer excellent programs. If you’re interested, reach out to the admissions at a school that looks interesting to you. Who knows? It could be one of the best decisions of your life.

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