In New Mexico, there are 9 schools for obtaining your certification in welding. The Top Welding Schools For Certification in New Mexico includes information for each school, as well as basic welding info. Have you always wondered if welding might be the career for you? Or perhaps you just want to know more. Either way, the basic welding info below is here to set you up in the right direction.

Table of Contents

Job Description of Welders in New Mexico: What is Welding?

Wikipedia defines welding as “a fabrication or sculptural process that joins materials, usually metals or thermoplastics, by causing fusion…” In other words, welding is when someone uses heat to melt raw materials together. In contrast to soldering or brazing, there’s no third piece added as a glue. Therefore, once they’re connected, welders are free to manipulate the homogeneous piece in many different ways.

Life After Certification: Being a Welder in New Mexico

Like most professions, there are multiple niches within welding. For example, some people choose to specialize in underwater welding. On the other hand, others specialize in gas tungsten arc welding. Although specialties vary, all welders share the satisfaction of creating permanent structures with their hands.

Another thing welders in New Mexico have in common is the constant demand for skilled labor. In fact, the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics predicts nothing but positive growth in salaries through the year 2026.

Do You Have What It Takes?

If you’re wondering if you have what it takes, check out this video that explores that exact question. Since it walks you right through the process, it’s another great resource for learning about the ins and outs of welding.

As you can see, welders need to be able to take initiative and complete projects independently. Self starters who prefer to work without a boss breathing down their necks often succeed as welders.

Additionally, welders should:

    • Be mindful of details
    • Have manual dexterity
    • Be physically fit
    • Have strong spatial-orientation skills
    • Possess good technical skills

The Highest Paying Welding Jobs Are in New Mexico

All in all, welding jobs in New Mexico are looking good. In fact, welders in New Mexico earn a median salary of $50,850 per year ($24.45 per hour) which is notably higher than the median average of $39,390 per year ($18.94 per hour).

In the United States, welders in the top 10% of median pay make more than $62,100 annually, while welders in the top 10% of median pay in New Mexico make more than $87,530 according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics in 2016.

In What Industries Do Welders Work in New Mexico?

After graduating from one of the top welding schools for certification in New Mexico, graduates work in many different industries. Below are 6 popular industries in which welders find the best welding jobs in New Mexico:

  • Creation of buildings & bridges
  • Shipbuilding
  • Aerospace applications
  • Manufacturing
  • Gas & oil field power plants and refineries
  • Auto & motorcycle fabrication and repair

What Type of Equipment Do Welders Use Working in New Mexico?

Depending on their area of expertise, welders need to have a repertoire of quality welding equipment. For example, all welders need to have the best welding helmets. Fortunately, there are a lot of high quality welding supplies online.

Top Welding Schools for Certification in New Mexico:

Currently, the American Welding Society’s SENSE Accreditation Program has approved 9 welding programs for certification in New Mexico. Prior to being accepted to a welding program, most schools require that you have your high school diploma or GED.

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Welding Schools & Welding Jobs in Albuquerque

Many prospective welders are looking specifically for trade schools in Albuquerque. Albuquerque Job Corp Center is an excellent institution for both welding certification and welding jobs. Another welding school in Albuquerque is Central New Mexico Community College.

There are also schools for welding in Las Cruces, Clovis, Roswell, Hobbs, Gallup, and Roosevelt. In Clovis, there’s actually a program at the public high school.

The school’s programs in the list above provide classes in Gas Tungsten Arc Welding (TIG), Shielded Metal Arc Welding (stick), or Gas Metal Arc Welding (MIG).

Since the information within the Top Welding Schools For Certification In New Mexico changes, contact the schools directly for the most up-to-date information and details. 

Looking For Welding Information On States Bordering New Mexico?

In case you want to explore welding schools for certification outside of New Mexico, check out the information about welding in states bordering New Mexico.

Similar Careers As Welding In New Mexico:

  • Boilermakers
  • Plumbers, Pipefitters, and Steamfitters
  • Sheet Metal Workers
  • Solderers & Brazers

Time to Enroll in One of the Top Welding Schools for Certification in New Mexico?

Now that we’ve covered the best welding schools in New Mexico, it’s time to take the plunge. We encourage you to get in touch with the admissions office of the schools near you!

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