If you’re interested in attending one of the 21 Top Welding Schools for Certification in Wisconsin, this article is your home base. In addition to helping you find good technical schools in Wisconsin, it has the basic knowledge you need to successfully find a good school and land one of the best welding jobs in Wisconsin.

How Much Do Welders Make In Wisconsin?

Generally speaking, welders in Wisconsin are well-compensated.

Overall, welding jobs in Wisconsin pay a median salary of $41,910 per year. (In other words, that’s $20.15 per hour.) Comparatively, this is higher than the national median average of $39,390 per year, or $18.94 per hour.

In the United States, welders in the top 10% of national median pay make more than $62,100 annually. In contrast, welders in the top 10% of median pay in Wisconsin make over $53,180. (Source: the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics in 2016.)

Best Pipe Welding Schools in Wisconsin
Welder working on new high rise building.

How to Get Your AWS Welding Certification

The first step to becoming a welder in Wisconsin is to get your certification from the American Welding Society (AWS). In order to do this, you’ll need training at a welding school with accreditation from the AWS. At school, you’ll learn through classroom instruction and hands-on learning.

After completing a welding program, it’s time to take your welding certification test. Although the locations vary, they are often right at the school itself. During the test, a board of examiners will ask you to demonstrate proficiency in standard skills.

For information about the AWS’s standards, visit their Standards page.

The 21 Top Welding Schools for Certification in Wisconsin:
Where to Find Welding Certification Programs

Now, the part you’ve been waiting for: the following table details the welding certification programs currently approved by the American Welding Society’s SENSE Accreditation Program in Wisconsin.

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As always, the information within the Top Welding Schools For Certification In Wisconsin is continually changing so we encourage you to contact them directly with the information supplied.

Welding Schools Near Me
Discover welding schools in all 50 states.

Looking For Welding Information On States Bordering Wisconsin?

Now that you’ve seen where to find tech schools in Wisconsin, here’s a list of information regarding welding schools in states bordering Wisconsin:

Good Welding Jobs in Wisconsin

After graduation, welders work in a variety of industries.

  • For example, some specialize in buildings and bridges.
  • Other common examples include aerospace applications, manufacturing, and shipbuilding.
  • Even more potential areas include the auto industry, power plants, and aerospace applications.

Generally speaking, you’ll be seeing more of the best welding jobs in Wisconsin opening up as time goes on.

Best Welding Supplies and Equipment Online

Many welders use equipment manually, whereas others operate welding machines. It all depends on the particular welding project at hand.

Top Welding Schools for Certification in Wisconsin
The Antra AH6 Solar Powered Auto Darkening Welding Helmet is great for welding students on a budget!

For beginners, here’s a basic checklist of the essentials:

This isn’t a comprehensive list, but it’s definitely a good start. Make sure to check out 2018’s Best Auto Darkening Welding Helmets Review.

Best Welding Schools Near Me

Important Welding Safety Tips

Now, “The Best Welding Schools for Certification in Wisconsin” wouldn’t be complete without safety tips. After all, welding can be extremely dangerous if things go awry.

    1. First, read everything. Because equipment manuals have important warnings, reading them carefully is a great way to prevent accidents.
    2. Second, invest in the best welding gear. This includes the best auto-darkening welding helmet, gloves, glasses, jacket, and shoes. And of course, make sure your skin is covered up to protect yourself from the heat.
    3. The third most crucial welding safety tip is to be mindful of the environment. In other words, make sure the area is clean, tidy, and well-ventilated.

Similar Careers As Welding In Wisconsin:

As you look at technical schools in Wisconsin with welding classes, it’s important to remember that they offer other equally interesting programs.

For example, they offer programs to help students find careers as:

  • Boilermakers
  • Plumbers, Pipefitters, and Steamfitters
  • Sheet Metal Workers


In conclusion, there are plenty of Top Welding Schools for Certification in Wisconsin to get you the training you need to find a high paying welding job. Additionally, Wisconsin’s many neighbor-states offer good technical schools for welding.

Whether you decide to pursue a career in welding or not, remember to bookmark Trades for Careers for all your technical career information