If you want to learn how to become a welder in Alaska, 12 Top Welding Schools For Certification In Alaska is for you! In addition to a full list of best welding schools, we’ll also cover basic welding information for beginners.

Top Welding Schools for Certification in Alaska:
Table of Contents

  • How Much Do Welders Make in Alaska?
  • Highest Paying Welding Jobs in Alaska: Popular Industries
  • How to Get AWS Welding Certification in Alaska
  • List of the 23 Best Welding Schools in Alaska
  • Underwater Welding Schools in Alaska
  • Similar Careers
  • Best Pipe Welding Schools Nearby

Average Welding Salary: How Much Do Welders Make in Alaska?

On average, welders in Alaska earn a median salary of $70,940 per year. (In other words, $34.11 per hour.) Comparatively, this is much higher than the median average of $39,390 per year $18.94 per hour.

In the United States, welders in the top 10% of median pay make more than $62,100 annually. In contrast, welders in the top 10% of median pay in Alaska make more than $99,420. (Source: U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics in 2016.)

Highest Paying Welding Jobs in Alaska

Overall, welding careers are available in a variety of industries. For example:

  • Construction of buildings and bridges
  • Aerospace applications
  • Manufacturing
  • Shipbuilding
  • Gas & oil field power plants and refineries
  • Auto & motorcycle fabrication and repair.

Top Welding Schools for Certification in Alaska:
How to Get AWS Welding Certification

Before listing each welding trade school, here’s some information that applies to each school:

  • Currently, each school has approval from the American Welding Society’s SENSE Accreditation Program.
  • In general, each training program includes the following methods: Gas Tungsten Arc Welding (TIG), Shielded Metal Arc Welding (stick), or Gas Metal Arc Welding (MIG).
  • Usually, the only admission requirement is a high school diploma or GED. However, some programs only require students to be juniors in high school.

List of the 23 Top Welding Schools for Certification in Alaska

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What are welding school requirements?

Generally speaking, the only admission requirement is having a high school diploma or your GED. Sometimes, students may take welding classes starting in the eleventh grade.

How long does it take to get a welding certification?

Understandably, most students are eager to know how long it will take to obtain a welding certification. Simply put, there isn’t an exact length of time. Each welding school’s program is slightly different. However, it’s usually less than 2 years.

Commercial Diving Programs:
Are there underwater welding schools in Alaska?

At this time, Alaska does not offer any underwater welding certification programs. However, this isn’t a surprise, as there are only 9 in the United States. To learn about the top 9 underwater welding programs in the United States, check out the article shown below.

Top Welding Schools for Certification in Alaska
In this article, you’ll find detailed info about the US’s commercial diving programs.

Video: A Day in the Life of a Welder in Alaska

Below, a Tulsa Welding School graduate shows what it’s like being a certified welder in Alaska.

Looking For Welding Information On Nearby States?

Additionally, we recommend checking out the top welding schools for certification in bordering states:

Best Welding Schools in Alaska
Furthermore, check out welding trade schools in all 50 states!

Similar Careers As Welding In Alaska:

  • Boilermakers
  • Plumbers, Pipefitters, and Steamfitters
  • Sheet Metal Workers

Top Welding Schools for Certification in Alaska: Conclusion

Now that you’ve learned about the best schools for welding certification in Alaska, it’s time to take that first step. Using the list of contact information, we encourage you to contact the schools directly for enrollment. Who knows? It could be one of the best decisions you ever make.