Isn’t welding the best of both worlds? It involves both the artsy and mathematical sides of the brain. If you’re interested in the Best Welding Schools for Certification in Vermont, this is your one-stop shop. In the article below, you’ll find information regarding the welding training programs near you, hints about welding safety, ideas for the best welding supplies, and more.

Best Welding Schools for Certification in Vermont: Overview

  • The 5 Best Welding Schools for Certification in Vermont
  • The Best Welding Schools Near Vermont
  • How Much Do Welders Make In Vermont?
  • Basic Information for Prospective Welders

The 5 Best Welding Schools for Certification in Vermont

In Vermont, there are 6 Best Welding Schools for obtaining your certification:

  1. At the Green Mountain Technology and Career Center, you can take Beginning Welding classes. The Green Mountain Technology and Career Center is located in Hyde Park.
  2. Another one of the top welding schools in Vermont is called the North Country Career Center. Here, you can take welding classes that are Beginner, Intermediate, and/or Advanced. Something that’s great about this course is that the class is 8 students.
  3. Additionally, the Northlands Job Corps Center in Vergennes, Vermont offers welding classes for certification. As part of the national job corps mission, you’ll participate in work-based learning and receive “green” jobs training. In other words, you’ll learn through on-the-job experience, and you’ll be ready to work in the environmentally friendly economy.
  4. Next on the list is River Valley Technical Center. River Valley Tech Center offers welding classes for high school students who have completed the 10th grade.
  5. Stafford Technical Center, which is located in Rutland, teaches Power Mechanics & Welding. This program prepares students for a variety of different careers. For example, popular career choices upon graduation include Metal Fabrication, Structural Welding, TIG welder, and Pipe welder.

All of the schools listed above are accredited through the American Welding Society (AWS). Use the table below to contact the schools directly.

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The Best Welding Schools in Vermont & Beyond

Whereas Vermont only has 5 top welding schools, other states offer many more. (For example, Texas has an abundance of __ welding schools.) For this reason, we suggest taking a look at welding training programs near you in states that border Vermont.

How Much Do Welders Make in Vermont?

Most importantly, how much do welding jobs in Vermont pay? First, let’s take a look at national averages for welding wages in the United States. Then you can see how that compares to the salaries of welders in Vermont.

The national median average salary for welders is $39,390. In other words, that’s $18.94 per hour. Welders earning in the top 10% make about $62, 100 per year.

In comparison, the median salary of welders in Vermont is $37,560, or $18.06 per hour. As you can see, that’s slightly lower than the national average. The best welding jobs in Vermont – the ones that pay in the top 10% – pay about $56,030 annually.

Basic Information for Prospective Welders

Welding is a complicated subject with many facets, but its overall meaning is pretty simple: welding is using a heat source to fuse together two pieces of metal. The finished project can be anything from a small art project to an enormous bridge.

Being a successful welder involves both mental and physical sharpness. Of course, welding requires physical strength, stamina, and dexterity. But it also involves the ability to interpret blueprints, the ability to self-motivate, and precise skill.

Depending on the blueprints, welders are responsible for measuring, cutting, and execution as well as maintaining safe welding machinery throughout the process.

Different Types of Welding Methods

There are several types of welding methods, including:

  • Gas Metal Arc Welding
  • Flux-Cored Welding
  • Shielded Metal Arc Welding
  • Tungsten Inert Gas Welding
  • Gas or Oxy Acetylene Welding
  • Plasma Arc Welding

For more details on each welding method, check out the video below:

How to Obtain Welding Certification in Vermont

Prior to enrolling in one of the Top Welding Schools for Certification in Vermont, you’ll need to have your high school diploma or GED. Alternatively, you can participate in a program like “Pathways to Graduation” for welding at your local high school.

Then, your certification alongside on-the-job training is your key to landing a position with a good welding job.

Careers Like Welding in Vermont: Soldering & Brazing

The main difference between soldering/brazing and welding is that welding omits the use of a filler metal.

Like welding, soldering and brazing involve the connection of raw materials. However, lower temperatures are used. (Typically, this is below 850 degrees Fahrenheit/450 degrees Celsius.) Soldering implements a filler metal, or “solder.” In this process, the solder is heated and each piece of metal is attached to the solder.

Brazing is a similar process, only the filler metal heats even more. Frequently, a liquid flux material is utilized to blend the pieces together more easily. An advantage of brazing is that it produces a stronger structure than does soldering.

More Careers Like Welding in Vermont

In addition to soldering/brazing, there are three similar career pathways:

  • Boilermakers
  • Plumbers, Pipefitters, and Steamfitters
  • Sheet Metal Workers

Best Welding Supplies and Equipment

Many welders use equipment manually, whereas others operate welding machines. It all depends on the particular welding project at hand.

For beginners, here’s a basic checklist of the essentials:

  • Auto-darkening welding helmet
  • Welding gloves
  • Safety Glasses
  • Welding Magnets
  • Frame Jig
  • C Clamps
  • Welding Clamps
  • Speed Square
  • Angle Grinder
  • Soapstone
  • MIG Pliers
  • Metal Brush
  • Sheet Metal Gauge
  • Metal File

This isn’t a comprehensive list, but it’s definitely a good start.

Enter your zip code below to find the Best Welding Schools for Certification in Vermont near you!

Best Welding Schools for Certification in Vermont Conclusion

Overall, welding is a rewarding career that pays well and allows you to utilize both your mental and physical skills. If you’re feeling ready to enroll, don’t hesitate to use the information from the table above!

For those of you interested in what other trades might make viable careers for you, make sure to take advantage of the rest of the Trades for Careers blog posts.