Best Esthetician School Near Me

Tired of searching for the “best esthetician school near me,” only to find a long list of Google results that send you on a wild goose chase? In this post, we’ll help you find the best esthetician school near you, using two methods.

First, you can use our handy search toolbar to receive a personalized list of the best esthetician programs near you. Another way to narrow it down is to use our list of esthetician schools by state.

We’ll also provide answers to the most frequently asked questions about esthetician school.

Table of Contents

  • Best Esthetician Schools by State
  • How to Find the Best Esthetician School Near You
  • Answers to Esthetician FAQs
    What exactly is an esthetician?
    How long does it take to become an esthetician?
    Can you be an esthetician with a cosmetology license?
    How much does it cost to become an esthetician?
    Can I get my esthetician license online?
    What do you learn in esthetician school?
    How much do estheticians make?
    Can I transfer my esthetician license to another state?
    How do I become a medical esthetician?
    What’s the difference between aesthetician and esthetician?

Find the Best Esthetician Schools Near You in Your Home State

In the list below, you’ll find a list of all 50 states. Just follow the link for more information about the top esthetician schools in your home state.

How to Find the Best Esthetician School Near You

The fastest way to find the best esthetician school near you is to use Campus Explorer’s search service. All it takes is entering your area of study, and also your preferred concentration. Then, by entering your zip code, Campus Explorer will use this to find a list of the best esthetician schools near you.

You’ll receive information about the top esthetician programs near you conveniently in your email inbox, and then you can opt out at any time – just log in and hit “unsubscribe.”

Esthetician School FAQS

There are plenty of questions that bubble up in addition to “where can I find the best esthetician school near me?” Have no fear! In this section, we’ll cover some of the most common questions.

What exactly is an esthetician?

An esthetician is a type of beauty professional who specializes in skin care. This covers a broad range of skin care, including waxing, giving facials, microdermabrasion, body peels, facial massages, and more.

Some estheticians work exclusively in waxing salons, while others work in spas providing a wide range of services. Another type of esthetician, called a Master Esthetician, works primarily in doctors’  offices.

Estheticians provide skin care services, but they also advise clients on appropriate skin care products and practices.

How long does it take to become an esthetician?

On average, full-time programs last about 4-6 months, while part-time programs can run for up to a year or two.

However, different states have different requirements, so there’s no “one size fits all” answer to how long it takes to become an esthetician. In order to find your specific esthetician state requirements, use the list of state links above to find details about your state’s licensing processes.

Another factor that determines how long it will take is whether or not you attend school full time. Since many schools offer both full- and part-time courses, you have the option of finding a school that best fits your needs.

Can you be an esthetician with a cosmetology license?

In most states, cosmetologists may choose to work as estheticians. The difference between a cosmetology license and an esthetician license is in their range of focus.

While estheticians focus on skin care, cosmetologists are trained in more areas, including hair and nail care.

Since it’s different in every state, you should check your home state requirements to see your state-specific requirements.

How much does it cost to become an esthetician?

Again, this answer will sound like an echo: it depends on a variety of factors. First, different states require significantly different amounts of schooling, which affects cost. Also, even the many beauty schools within one state will have a wide range of tuitions. For this reason, we recommend signing up with Campus Explorer for exclusive insights into the esthetician schools near you.

According to Cost Owl, the average cost of esthetician school is $4,000 to $6,000 at a community college. At a private esthetician program, the average tuition is $6,000 to $12,000.

Another factor in cost is the state licensing and exam fees. Again, you’ll want to use the links from the first section to find your state-specific costs.

Can I get my esthetician license online?

Although many states don’t allow you to get your license online, some do allow you to take a certain percentage of your coursework online.

Furthermore, some states place no restrictions! Check out “Can You Really Go to Esthetician School Online?” in order to find your state’s status.

What do you learn in esthetician school?

After searching for the “best esthetician school near me,” many prospective students want to know exactly what they’re in for. It’s a good idea to be informed!

Overall, there are 6 main topics you’ll cover in school:

  1. Skin Analysis
  2. How to Give Facials
  3. Makeup Application
  4. Body Treatments
  5. Hair Removal
  6. How to pass the Esthetician State Board Exam Questions

How much do estheticians make?

According to US Bureau Labor of Statistics, skin care estheticians make an average salary of $35,130, or $16.89 per hour. Estheticians in the top 90th percentile earn an average of $58,810 per year.

The highest paying esthetician industries are:

  • Outpatient Care Centers
  • Physicians’ Offices
  • Personal Services
  • Colleges, Universities, & Professional Schools
  • Medical and Surgical Hospitals

Additionally, the skin care esthetician employment outlook is excellent! In fact, the number of available jobs is predicted to grow by 12% between 2014 and 2024.

Can I transfer my esthetician license to another state?

Typically, you may transfer your esthetician license if you have equal or greater training in your home state. In certain states, there’s a requirement for how many hours of experience as a practicing esthetician you must have in addition to schooling.

Even if you do have esthetician license reciprocity (meaning the license is transferrable), you might still have to take the new state’s esthetician board exam.

(In other words, transferring the hours may get you out of going to another esthetician school. But it doesn’t necessarily get you out of taking the state-specific licensing exam.)

How do I become a Medical Esthetician?

Best Esthetician School Near Me
Medical estheticians make the most money, on average.

You’ll need to get your Master Esthetician License in order to become a medical esthetician. Because of this, you’ll want to take specific master esthetician classes from an accredited institution.

While a few states offer two-tier programs, most schools require you to finish your basic esthetician certification and then return to school to get the more advanced master esthetician license.

Since medical estheticians make more money, on average, this is definitely a wise career choice! Check out How to Become a Medical Esthetician for more information.

What’s the difference between aesthetician and esthetician?

In reality, the difference is mostly in spelling. However, the “aesthetician” spelling usually refers to estheticians who work in medical settings, while the “esthetician” spelling refers to skin care specialists who work in salons and spas.

The Best Esthetician School Near Me: 
Your Turn!

Now that you’ve learned the ins and outs of being an esthetician, it’s time to make your first move. Whether that’s signing up for Campus Explorer or checking out your state-specific esthetician licensing requirements, we believe in you! There are plenty of great schools out there; it’s just a matter of finding the right one.

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