Are you interested in finding esthetician training near you in Montana? If so, “How to Find the Best Esthetician School in Montana for License” is exactly what you need.

In this article, we’re going to get into everything potential esthetician students need to know. For example, Montana esthetician state license requirements and cost are just a couple of the topics we’ll cover.

Best Esthetician School in Montana

Choosing the Best Esthetician School in Montana: Table of Contents

  • How to Become an Esthetician in Montana
  • Esthetician Career, Job, & Salary Info
  • Everything You Need to Know About Montana State’s Esthetician License Requirements & Costs
  • Esthetician State Board Exam Questions & Study Guides
  • The Top Esthetician Schools in Montana: How to Find Esthetician Courses Near You
  • Esthetician Classes: What To Expect
  • FAQs About Being an Esthetician
    Can you be an esthetician with a cosmetology license?
    How much does it cost to become an esthetician?
    What do you learn in esthetician school?
    Can I transfer my esthetician license to another state?

How to Become an Esthetician in Montana

First, here are the basics steps to becoming an esthetician in Montana:

  1. Before applying to your first choice of the best esthetician school in Montana, make sure to learn everything. In other words, learn everything you can about esthetician classes and job opportunities! This way, you’ll be 100% sure that esthetician school is the best decision for you.
  2. Next, apply at an esthetician college near you.
  3. After that, complete the esthetician courses at school and get your esthetician certification.
  4. Once you’ve graduated, take the Montana Esthetician State Board Exam.
  5. After that, your esthetician career begins! Remember to keep your license renewed.
  6. Although that doesn’t have to be the last step. In other words, consider continuing education! For example, many estheticians go back to school to get their Master Esthetician or Esthetician Instructor licenses.

Esthetician Careers in Montana
Average Salary & Hourly Wages

Most importantly, how much do estheticians make in Montana? Before answering that question, it’s good to look at the average esthetician salary for the United States. Then, we’ll see how Montana stacks up against the national averages.

Average Esthetician Salaries & Wages in the United States

  • On average, Skin Care Estheticians make $16.89 per hour. Put differently, that’s a national mean salary of $35,130.
  • Another interesting stat is the national average for estheticians in the 90th percentile. In the United States, the esthetician salaries in the top 10% of their field make $58, 810 annually. (Or $28.27 per hour.)
  • Paramedical/Medical Estheticians are the sub-group who make the most, with an average hourly wage of $18.14.

How Much Do Estheticians Make in Montana?

  • In contrast, the average hourly pay for estheticians in Montana is $16.86. In other words, that’s a median average salary of $35,060.
  • Comparatively, estheticians in the 90th percentile make $50, 550.
  • As you can see, skin care estheticians make a little more than average in Montana. The tuition of attending a best esthetician school in Montana will soon pay itself off.

Esthetician Employment Outlook in Montana

In addition to average pay for esthetician careers, the job outlook is great! In fact, the number of available jobs in the US are predicted to grow by 12% between 2014 and 2024.

Highest Paying States for Estheticians

Although Montana has a better-than-average salary for estheticians, there are even better options out there. Check out the top paying states for this industry:

  • Oregon
  • Wyoming
  • Colorado
  • Minnesota
  • Hawaii

(Source: The US Bureau of Labor Statistics for Skincare Specialists, as of May 2017)

Esthetician License Requirements by State:
Montana State Profile

In order to get your esthetician license in Montana, you need 650 hours at an accredited esthetician school.

Comparatively, here are the requirements for similar careers in Montana:

Cosmetologist License Requirement: 2,000 hours
Nail Technician/Manicurist License: 400 hours
Barber License: 1,500 (with chemicals) or 1,000 (without chemicals)
Electrologist: 600 hours

Esthetician License Cost in Montana

In order to apply for the licensing exam, you’ll need to pay an $80 licensing fee.

Esthetician License Renewal in Montana

Once you have your cosmetology esthetician license, you need to renew it every two years, and the deadline is March 1st.

Esthetician License Transfer to Montana (Reciprocity)

In order to transfer your license to Missouri, you’ll need to have:

  • Proof of passing the national NIC exams
  • Proof of an active license in your home state
  • Equal or greater schooling in your home state. (If you do not, you’ll need to take additional esthetician training courses.)

Montana Esthetician State Board Exam Questions
& Practice Guides

Understandably, many students want to find esthetician state board exam practice questions to get ready for the test. Therefore, we’ve compiled a list of tips to help you study for the Montana Esthetician State Board Exam.

First, we recommend the Milady Standard as a study guide.

And so, here are the top 3 online practices quizzes to use:

Another helpful method is to study through YouTube videos. Sometimes, having a real-life person talking gets you out of your head and helps you absorb the material better.

So, think you would benefit from getting out of your head for a bit? Check these videos out:

Sometimes, it’s good to step away from a computer and do it the old fashioned way: with a book. Notably, Amazon has a good selection:

Where to Find the Best Esthetician School in Montana
Discovering the Top Beauty Schools in Montana

First, it’s important to note that there are many options. Therefore, you’ll benefit from taking advantage of the search bar below. Simply type in your location, and you’ll find a full directory of the best beauty schools in Montana.

Say goodbye to typing “esthetician courses near me” only to find yourself with a useless list of Google results. Simply enter your info and a list of the best esthetician schools near you will be available!

Esthetician Courses in Montana
What to Expect

Depending on the type of school you go to, your education will be different. For example, an esthetician college will have a different feel than a cosmetology school with an aesthetics program. But the end goal is always this helping you prepare for the best esthetician jobs.

Therefore, you’ll take esthetician classes in these categories:

  1. Theoretical topics (For example, physiology and anatomy.)
  2. Professional skills topics (Such as how to build an esthetician business and resume writing)
  3. Practical training (Basically, the hands-on application of esthetics)

Additionally, remember that there are countless hybrid esthetician schools in the US. For example, if you want to become a certified makeup artist, you could attend a cosmetology esthetician school with courses in makeup artistry.

FAQS About Finding the Best Esthetician School in Montana

Can you be an esthetician with a cosmetology license? What’s the difference between a cosmetologist and an esthetician?

A cosmetologist works with hair, skin, and nails. In contrast, an esthetician only works with skin care. Therefore, a cosmetologist may need to add some more training to become an esthetician.

Comparatively, estheticians don’t usually work as cosmetologists. This makes sense because they just haven’t studied hair and nails.

What do you learn in esthetician school?

Good question! Overall, there are 6 main topics you’ll cover in school:

  1. Skin Analysis
  2. How to Give Facials
  3. Makeup Application
  4. Body Treatments
  5. Hair Removal
  6. How to pass the Montana Esthetician State Board Exam Questions

Can I transfer my esthetician license to another state?

In most states, you can transfer your esthetician license if you have equal or greater training in your previous state. Sometimes, there’s a requirement for how many hours of experience as a practicing esthetician you must have. Regardless, you may still need to pass that state-specific board exam.

(In other words, transferring the hours may get you out of going to another esthetician school. But it doesn’t get you out of taking the state-specific licensing exam.)

Top Esthetician Schools in Montana & Beyond:
Bordering States

If you want to expand your options, consider getting your esthetician certification from one of the best cosmetology schools in a nearby state. Below, you’ll find links to the top esthetician schools nearby.

Choosing the Best Esthetician School in Montana for Certification:
Final Thoughts

After this guide to finding the best esthetician school in Montana,  we hope you found what you’re looking for! And if you haven’t found it quite yet, make sure to poke around the rest of Trades for Careers. Because there are plenty of other great trade schools in Montana!

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American Association of Cosmetology Licensing Hour Requirements by State
Esthetics Licensing in Montana
Montana Board of Cosmetology