The Ultimate Beginner’s Guide to Becoming a Licensed Esthetician in Tennessee

If you have questions about esthetics licensing in Tennessee, this is where you’ll find your answers. In addition to helping you find the top esthetician schools in Tennessee near you, we’ve provided step-by-step instructions for how to become an esthetician in Tennessee, info about becoming a Paramedical Esthetician, licensing costs and fees, and more!

Best Esthetician School in Tennessee

Top Esthetician Schools in TN: Table of Contents

Esthetician Career & Salary Info

In this section, we’ll look at how much estheticians make in the United States. Then, we’ll compare that to the average earnings of estheticians in Tennessee. You’ll also find a list of popular industries worth your consideration.

How Much Do Estheticians Make On Average in the United States?

  • On average, Skin Care Specialists in the United States make $16.89 per hour. In other words, the average salary for estheticians is $35,130.
  • In order to earn more, considering being a Paramedical Esthetician. Because this specialty makes an average hourly wage of $18.14.

How Much Do Estheticians Make in Tennessee?

In comparison, estheticians in Tennessee earn an average of $13.83 per hour. (Or $28,760 per year.)

But let’s look at even more statistics:

  • First, estheticians in Tennessee making in the top 75% earn an average salary of $34,310.
  • Also, those in the top 90th percentile make an average of $45,000 per year.

(Source: U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics for Skincare Specialists as of May 2017)

In Which States do Estheticians Make the Most Money?

Altogether, there are 5 top-performing states in terms of average esthetician salary. First, check out how much estheticians make in Oregon, Wyoming, and Colorado. You’ll also be impressed with Minnesota and Hawaii’s numbers!

What are popular industries for estheticians in Tennessee?

Even though it’s just one esthetician license, there are multiple places to use it. For example, the most common industries for skin care estheticians are:

  • Skin Care Product & Health Stores
  • Personal Care Services
  • Hotels & Resorts
  • Medical Offices

(Source: The US Bureau of Labor Statistics for Skincare Specialists, as of May 2017)

Esthetician License Requirements by State:
Tennessee’s Profile

In order to become a licensed esthetician in Tennessee, you need to earn 750 hours at an accredited esthetician school.

In order to have a point of reference, let’s look at similar careers and their requirements:

Cosmetologist Esthetician License Requirement: 1,500 hours
Barber License: 340 hours
Nail Technician License: 600 hours
Electrologist License: 600 hours

Esthetician License Cost in Florida

First, you’ll pay a registration $70 practical test fee. Then, the written exam fee is also $70.

Esthetician License Renewal in Tennessee

After getting your esthetician license, you’ll need to renew it it every two years. (And the cost is $50)

Cosmetology Esthetician Transferal to Tennessee (Reciprocity)

In order to have esthetician license reciprocity in Tennessee, you must:

  • Either show proof that your home licensing agency has equal or greater training requirements,
  • or verify that you’ve been working at least 5 years as a licensed esthetician in your home state.

Tennessee Esthetician State Board Exam Questions
& Practice Guides

Best Esthetician Schools in Tennessee


Above all, we recommend the Milady Standard Esthetics: Fundamentals. It’s available as an eTextbook, as a Hardcover, as a Spiral Bound, and also used. And there’s no wonder this is so popular for Esthetician state board exam questions practice! This 11th edition of the trusted Milady brand is up-to-date on all core esthetician concepts, and it’s a great review for anyone about to take an Esthetician State Board Exam.

See 68+ Verified Owner Reviews>>

In order to find a list of links to Esthetician State Board Exam questions and practice tests, see our list of Esthetician State Board Exam and Practice Guides.

How to Find the Best Esthetician Schools in Tennessee

Now is the time to say goodbye to endless Google searches resulting in confusing results. In other words, this search bar eliminates the need to put “esthetician classes near me” into your search engine only to come up with disorganized results.

Instead, enter your info into the safe search system below. Simply enter your preferences, and a list of the best esthetician schools near you will be available!

Online Esthetician School
Can I get an esthetician license online in Tennessee?

While many states don’t allow you to get your license online, some do allow you to take a certain percentage of your coursework online. Furthermore, some states place no restrictions! In order to learn more, see The Ultimate Guide to Getting Your Aesthetics License Online.

However, Tennessee doesn’t allow any online esthetics courses to count toward the minimum requirements. In other words, all classes must be in-person.

Top Esthetician Schools in Tennessee

Esthetician Training Near Me: 
What will I learn in Esthetician School?

Even though there are lots of top esthetician schools in the US, they cover a wide variety of topics. Even so, all accredited esthetician schools cover the same core topics:

  • Esthetician State Board Exam Questions & Prep
  • Hair Removal
  • Facials
  • How to Be a Makeup Artist
  • Body Treatments
  • Skin Analysis
  • Human Anatomy
  • Business Skills & Ethics

For more details, read the short class descriptions below.

Esthetician State Board Exam Questions & Prep

First, the top esthetician schools in Tennessee really want to prepare you to pass the state board exam. After all, that’s the key that allows you to finally get your esthetician license. (After your minimum hours have been met, of course.)

Hair Removal

Another broad topic you’ll cover is hair removal. Whether it’s waxing, threading, or tweezing, you’ll cover all the latest and most common hair removal methods.


Another crucial aspect of your esthetician training will be learning to give facials. In addition to learning how to give an incredibly relaxing facial massage, you’ll master the various types of facial techniques.

How to Be a Makeup Artist

In Makeup Artistry classes, you’ll learn how to know when to use what products. Furthermore, you’ll learn the correct makeup techniques used to achieve different looks. You may also learn how to apply permanent makeup.

Body Treatments

Aromatherapy, wraps, and body masks, oh my! At the top esthetician schools in Tennessee, the courses you take will teach you how to perform all the different types of body wraps. You’ll also learn the safety and theory behind them.

Skin Analysis

In one word, skin analysis is about safety. And that’s why every treatment you do will begin with understanding your client’s skin type and choosing the correct products to use. You’ll also learn how to catch potentially serious skin problems during skin analysis.

Human Anatomy

Because you’ll be working with the body, it’s important that the top esthetician schools in Tennessee educate you on the anatomy of the nails, hair, and skin.

Business Skills & Ethics

Last but not least is business ethics and skills. These classes will prepare you to become a spa manager (if that’s a dream of yours), and they’ll also prepare you for day-to-day life as a professional esthetician.

FAQs for Esthetician Schools in Tennessee

Below are three of the most frequently asked questions about top beauty schools in Tennessee.

What’s the difference between a cosmetologist and an esthetician? Can you be an esthetician with a cosmetology license?

A cosmetologist works with hair, skin, and nails. Comparatively, an esthetician only works with skin care. Therefore, a licensed cosmetologist can do a lot more than an esthetician.

Comparatively, estheticians don’t usually work as cosmetologists. This makes sense because they just haven’t studied hair and nails.

How do I become a medical esthetician?

Wondering how to become a medical esthetician in Tennessee? Well, the reality is that there is no such thing as a Medical (Paramedical) Esthetician License. Instead, this term usually refers to a Masters Esthetician Certification.

Top Esthetician Schools in Tennessee:
Your Turn!

After reading about the Top Esthetician Schools in Tennessee, how are you feeling? If your heart’s telling you that esthetician school is the right place for you, don’t be afraid to take that next step! Start searching for an esthetician college near you today.

And if you haven’t quite made up your mind? No problem. Check out some of the related articles below, because they’ll help bring you closer to the perfect career for you!

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Tennessee Board of Cosmetology
Esthetics Licensing in Tennessee
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