In the 26 Top Welding Schools for Certification in Tennessee, each school participates in the American Welding Society’s SENSE accreditation program. To find the best welding trade school near you, as well as brush up on welding basics, consult the Table of Contents below.

Table of Contents

The 26 Top Welding Schools for Certification in Tennessee

In Tennessee, there are 26 welding trade schools. Some are high schools with welding classes for juniors and seniors. Others are community colleges with welding associate degrees. Also, the Tennessee Technology Center has a number of locations throughout the state.

High Schools with Welding Programs in Tennessee

All in all, there are 4 secondary schools with welding certification classes in Tennessee.

Community Colleges With Welding Classes in Tennessee

For high school graduates wishing to pursue a career in welding, there are many good community colleges.

Technical Trade Schools With Welding Programs in Tennessee

As well as high schools and colleges, there are also technical schools as part of the 26 Top Welding Schools for Certification in Tennessee.

    • The Tennessee Technology Center has 10 locations in Tennessee. Specifically, they have welding programs in the following cities/towns: Knoxville, Hartsville, Athens, Elizabethton, McKenzie, Jackson, Sturgoinsville, Livingston, Morristown, Hohenwald, Crossville, and Crump.
    • Another vocational school with a welding program is called the Sequoya Technology Center. It’s located in Soddy Daisy, Tennessee.

Top Welding Schools for Certification in Tennessee: Contact Info

Here you’ll find a list of the contact information for the 26 Top Welding Schools for Certification in Tennessee.

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Best Welding Schools in Tennessee & Beyond

Obviously, there’s no shortage of fantastic welding schools in Tennessee. Nearby, there are also great welding schools and jobs in the states that border Tennessee. Follow the links below for information about the best welding schools nearby:

Additionally, check out The Best Welding Schools Near Me: Best Welding Schools in USA for the locations in all fifty states.

Welding Classes Near Me

Welding Jobs in Tennessee:
How Much Do Welders Make in Tennessee?

Of course, one of the most popular questions is “How much do welders make in Tennessee?” Here are some statistics to give you an idea of what you can earn at good welding jobs in Tennessee:

  • The median annual wage of welders in Tennessee is $38,770.
  • In other words, that’s an hourly mean wage of $18.64.
  • The annual 90th percentile wage is $54,520.

Important Welding Equipment for Students

Because welding involves working with extreme heat, flames, and heavy duty equipment, it’s important to have quality welding equipment.

In “Review of the Best Welding Supplies Online: Buyer’s Guide 2018,” you’ll find detailed reviews of the best welding supplies online for students.

Reviews of 8 Essential Welding Supplies for Students

  1. Steel Toed Welding Work Boots
  2. Welding Caps
  3. Best Welding Gloves
  4. Auto Darkening Welding Helmet
  5. Best Welding Shirts
  6. Top Rated Welding Sleeves
Best Welding Schools in Tennessee
Here, you’ll find reviews of the best auto darkening welding helmets on the market.

Basic Welding Info Every Student Should Know

Although you’ll learn a lot in welding school, it’s always good to know the basics. That way, you can confidently know for sure what you’re getting yourself into.

Welding vs Brazing vs Soldering

Understandably, people get confused about the differences between welding, brazing, and soldering.

Basically, welding is using heat to fuse together two pieces of metal. On the one hand, it’s a lot like brazing and soldering. However, there are a few notable differences:

  1. Unlike soldering and brazing, welding doesn’t involve the use of a filler metal. (Or a “solder.”)
  2. Another key difference is that soldering and brazing use lower temperatures, at 850 degrees Fahrenheit or lower.
  3. Also, Brazing stands out from soldering in that it produces stronger structures and often uses a liquid flux material.

For more information, watch the video below:

The 6 Most Popular Welding Methods

While attending one of the 22 Top Welding Schools for Certification in Tennessee, you’ll likely learn these 6 welding methods first:

  • Shielded Metal Arc Welding (stick)
  • Plasma Arc Welding
  • Flux-Cored Welding
  • Gas Metal Arc Welding (MIG)
  • Tungsten Inert Gas Welding (TIG)
  • Gas or Oxy Acetylene Welding

If you want to see a video explanation, check out “The 6 Main Types of Welding.” From the list above, the most common welding methods are stick, MIG, and TIG.

Best Welding Schools in Tennessee

The Top 3 Welding Safety Tips

Most importantly, you’ll learn about safety in welding school. Here’s a quick summary of the most vital welding safety tips:

  1. First, make sure to read everything. Because equipment manuals have important warnings, reading them carefully is a great way to prevent accidents.
  2. Second, invest in the best welding gear. This includes the best auto-darkening welding helmet, gloves, glasses, jacket, and shoes. And of course, make sure your skin is covered up to protect yourself from the heat.
  3. The third most crucial welding safety tip is to be mindful of the environment. In other words, make sure the area is clean, tidy, and well-ventilated.

Best Welding Schools in Tennessee: Conclusion

In conclusion, there are plenty of great welding schools in Tennessee. Welding jobs in Tennessee pay well, and it’s a rewarding vocation. So why not take a leap of faith? Use the table from above to contact the closest welding schools near you.

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