Your Ultimate Guide to Finding the Best Medical Esthetician School Near You!

If you want a higher paying esthetician job, going to medical esthetician school will give you a huge edge over competition. At medical esthetician school, you’ll earn your Master Esthetician Certification, which will open up your career opportunities and allow for higher cash flow. But let’s be honest – it isn’t all about money. Being a Medical Esthetician is a rewarding career, and it allows you to help people feel better during the most vulnerable times in their lives.

In this blog post, we’ll help you find the best medical aesthetician school for you, and also talk about the top medical aesthetician schools and careers in the country.

Best Medical Esthetician School

The Ultimate Guide to Medical Esthetician School for Newbies
Table of Contents

  • What is a Medical Esthetician?
  • How to Become a Medical Esthetician: Get Your Master Esthetician Certification
  • Medical Esthetician Careers & Salaries
  • The 3 Top Medical Esthetician Schools

What is a Medical Esthetician?

A medical esthetician is an advanced type of esthetician with a Master Esthetician License. Sometimes, Medical Estheticians are also called Paramedical Estheticians. Whereas basic skin care estheticians work in settings like relaxation spas or waxing centers, medical estheticians work in medical spas or health care offices. Often, they work with in plastic surgeon and dermatologist offices. While there, their role is to provide post-op skin care and educate clients on how to care for their skin after a medical procedure.

Roles & Duties of Medical Estheticians

Although there are many, many roles of a paramedical esthetician, here are a few examples:

  • Maintain clean medical equipment
  • Give facial massages to patients after surgery
  • Keep accurate, confidential patient records
  • Decide on the best makeup to apply for the patient’s skin tone

Medical Esthetician Training: What to Expect in Class

In Medical Esthetician training programs, you’ll take a variety of specialized classes. For example, your medical esthetician training classes could cover:

  • Laser Hair & Tattoo Removal
  • Laser skin care (wrinkle reduction & revitalizing treatments)
  • Botox basics
  • Lymphatic drainage
  • Medications related to treatment
  • Jessner and Modifed Jessner Peels
  • Medical equipment
  • Dermaplaning & Microdermabrasion

How to Become a Medical Esthetician:
Get Your Master Esthetician Certification

In order to become a medical esthetician, you need to do a couple of things at first. You need to find a good medical esthetician school near you, and you need to get your Master Esthetician License. A  few states (Washington State, Utah, Washington D.C., Virginia)  offer esthetician programs where you get your Master Esthetician License right away.

However, many schools offer continuing education courses for estheticians to come back and get a more advanced, specialized degree.

Helpful Hint: The United States doesn’t issue estheticians an official “Medical Esthetician License” or “Paramedical Esthetician License.” Instead, your goal should be a Master Esthetician License.

Video: What is a Master Esthetician?

How to Become a Medical Aesthetician

The steps to becoming a paramedical esthetician are just like becoming a “regular” esthetician.

  1. Before beginning the process, we recommend learning as much as possible about being an esthetician. Because of this, we’ve included lots of helpful statistics, videos, and helpful links. Don’t have time to take it all in? No problem! Simply bookmark this page and come back when you have more time.
  2. Once you’ve decided on a medical esthetician career, enroll in an accredited esthetician school near you. Typically, states require between 250 and 750 hours of training before you can get your license.
  3. In order to receive your license, you’ll need to take the esthetician state board exam. This consists of both a written (theory) section and a practical (hands-on) segment.
  4. Once you have your basic skin care esthetician license, you can go back to school to take a Medical Esthetics training program.

Once you complete your state’s requirements for training hours/apprenticeship, and also pass the state board exam, you’re ready to start work as a Medical Esthetician!

After finding one of the top medical esthetician schools near you, make sure you’re enrolled in the Master Esthetician program.

Just remember to keep your license current by renewing it according to your state board’s requirements. Make sure you’re aware of any continuing education requirements and be ready to pay a renewal fee. Typically, states require estheticians to renew their licenses every 1-2 years. In order to find your home state’s medical esthetician license requirements, check out The Top Esthetician Schools for Certification in the US for a full directory.

Medical Esthetician Careers & Salaries

Without a doubt, medical estheticians make more money than other types of estheticians. According to the US Bureau of Labor Statistics for Skincare Specialists*, estheticians who work in physician’s offices make much more. On average, medical estheticians make $19.76 per hour. This is an average yearly salary of $41,100.

Comparatively, the national average for all estheticians is only $16.89 per hour, or $35,130. As you can see, getting your Master Esthetician License pays off!

The Top Medical Aesthetician Schools in the US

There are many great medical esthetician schools in the US! Although we can’t name them all, we’d like to highlight a few of the absolute top master esthetician licensing programs. In order to find a medicial esthetician training program near you, take advantage of our handy and safe school search bar!

Medical Esthetician Schools in Virginia
The Esthetics Institute

The Esthetics Institute in Vienna, VA is a great medical esthetician school with a Master Esthetics Program. The program is 600 hours, and full-time and part-time class schedules are available. Notably, the required text book is the Milady Standard Esthetics: Advanced.

In this program, you’ll learn advanced techniques such as chemical exfoliation and microdermabrasion. After graduation, students find jobs in medical spas, doctor’s offices, and even as skin care consultants.

How much is esthetician school?

In order to discover your financing options, visit the Esthetics Institute’s Financial Aid & Federal Assistance page.

Contact Info:

Esthetic Institute
8381 Old Courthouse Road Suite 320
Vienna, VA 22182
Phone: (703) 288-4228
Email: [email protected]

Medical Esthetician Schools in New York
New York Institute of Beauty

Another great medical aesthetician school is the New York Institute of Beauty. In fact, if you know you want to go to esthetician school in New York for your basic esthetician license, this is a great place to go for your initial Esthetics License.

Their Advanced Esthetics program is a 900 hours long, but it’s a combination of Basic Esthetics and Advanced Esthetics training.

How much is esthetician school?

In order to learn about this medical esthetician school cost, visit the school’s Financial Aid page.

Contact Info:

New York Institute of Beauty
11 Oval Drive, Suite #180
Islandia, NY 11749
Phone: 631-615-4964

Best Medical Esthetician Schools in Utah, Nevada, & Washington
The National Institute of Medical Esthetics

Talk about a 3-in-1! This medical esthetician school has locations in Utah, Nevada, and Washington. Also, there’s an amazing selection of advanced esthetics programs!

For example, you can take Advanced Esthetics, where you’ll learn about things like microblading, dermaplaning, and also Pro Makeup Artistry. Another option is their Comprehensive Laser program, which prepares you to be a laser technician. Even more, a Comprehensive Cosmetics Injection program is yet another great opportunity.

In order to learn all about the wide-reaching benefits of this advanced esthetics institute, check out the Top 10 Reasons to Attend NIMA.

How much is medical esthetician school?

Learn about all of your financing options at NIMA’s Financing page.

Locations & Contact Info

Salt Lake City, Utah
Las Vegas, Nevada
St. George, Utah
Tri Cities, Washington
Phone (for all schools): 844.899.6462

Find a Medical Esthetician Training Program Near Me

In order to find a medical esthetician training program near you, enter your info into our safe search system. After doing so, a custom list of the best medical esthetician schools near you will be available!

How to Become a Medical Esthetician
Your Turn!

First, it’s important to learn everything you can about becoming a medical esthetician. Then, it’s time to take that first big step! Hopefully, this post has helped you learn more about the life of a paramedical esthetician and where to find the best medical esthetician schools near you. Now that you’ve found some esthetics schools with advanced programs, we encourage you to reach out and contact them today.

Because who knows? This might be one of your best life decisions yet!

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Occupational Employment Statistics of Skincare Specialists, updated May 2017
There is No Such Thing As a Medical Esthetician License
Medical Esthetician School by the National Laser Institute